7. 🪄 Preview Experimental Data#


Previewing Experimental Data is 🪄 experimental 🪄..

We invite users to try this UI, and believe–even though it’s still in-development–that it provides valuable tooling for working with OpenSim’s various experimental data sources.

The “Preview Experimental Data” workflow is currently capable of loading typical (i.e. sto / mot / trc) files that are used in the wider OpenSim ecosystem. It can also load a model and its associated trajectory, and associate an ExternalLoads for visualization. The main reason that it’s experimental is because it’s missing some nice-to-haves, rather than because it’s fundamentally broken.

In this tutorial, we will be using the preview experimental data workflow to visualize, validate, and connect experimental data to an OpenSim model. This is typically required when you have external experimental data that you want to use with an OpenSim solver.


Fig. 7.1 A screenshot of the preview experimental data UI. Here, the subject01.osim model file from the OpenSim Models Repository is loaded, which shows the model file; additionally, the subject01_walk.trc (markers, blue spheres) and subject01_walk_grf.mot (ground-reaction forces, orange arrows) are overlaid as raw data files. The model’s trajectory (subject01_walk_IK.mot), as calculated from OpenSim’s inverse kinematic (IK) solver, was loaded against the model, showing it’s computed motion. This is useful for verifying that the various experimental data files, and solver results, make sense when combined.#

7.1. Prerequisites#

  • This is a standalone tutorial. The preview experimental data workflow is a standalone UI for handling experimental data. You don’t necessarily need to know how to build or handle an OpenSim model in order to use it effectively, but those skills are useful for debugging a model-specific issue.

  • For your own work, you will need to have your experimental data files in a format that’s compatible with OpenSim (e.g. trc, sto). Typically, this requires either using an OpenSim-aware data exporter, or writing a script that converts your experimental data from your source format into an OpenSim-compatible format. The data formats used by OpenSim are typically simple plaintext formats, which means that you can generally (e.g.) use a one-off python script to generate them. We recommend looking at some existing OpenSim-compatible data files (e.g. this Example MOT File from the OpenSim Models Repository) for inspiration.

7.2. Topics Covered by this Tutorial#

  • A high-level overview of the preview experimental data workflow UI.

  • A concrete walkthrough of using the preview experimental data UI in a typical experimental workflow.

7.3. Opening the Preview Experimental Data UI#

The preview experimental data UI is an independent “workflow” UI that can be accessed from OpenSim Creator’s splash screen, in the Workflows section:


Fig. 7.2 How to open the preview experimental data UI from the splash screen. It’s also accessible from the File menu.#

7.4. Preview Experimental Data UI Overview#


Fig. 7.3 The preview experimental data UI. In its current (🪄 experimental) iteration, it has buttons for loading a model, the model’s associated trajectory, raw data files (unassociated to the model), and OpenSim XML files (e.g. ExternalLoads).#

The preview experimental data UI provides similar panels to the model editor UI (e.g. Coordinates, Navigator), but with some key differences that are tailored towards visualizing and debugging experimental data:

  • It can load a model trajectory. The load model trajectory button in the top toolbar lets you load a trajectory (e.g. sto) against the current. This is useful for (e.g.) debugging whether the output from OpenSim’s Inverse Kinematics (IK) solver matches your experimental data.

  • It can load raw experimental data files. The load raw data file button in the top toolbar lets you load raw data files into the scene. The data series in the raw data file can then be clicked, inspected, scrubbed, etc. to visualize how OpenSim understands them. Because they are “raw” data files they are unconnected to any frame in the model and always display in ground.

  • It can load associated OpenSim XML files. The load OpenSim XML button in the top toolbar reads any <OpenSimDocument> and puts it in the model’s componentset, which associates it with the model. This is useful for (e.g.) associating an ExternalLoads to a model which, when force-vector visualization is enabled in a 3D viewer, lets you view when/where those forces are applied to the model.

  • It has a time scrubber. There’s a time scrubber (slider) in the top toolbar, which lets you set/modify the currently-viewed time. This doesn’t involve any kind of solver or simulation (e.g. forward-dynamics). It only sets the current model’s time, so that (e.g.) any associated motions, raw data, or ExternalLoads reflect their impact at that point in time. This is useful for ensuring data behaves as-expected over time.

  • It can reload all of the above with a single click. The reload all button in the top toolbar is designed to reload everything in one click and scrub to the currently-scrubbed-to time. This is useful for debugging/fixing/editing the external files in an external editor, followed by reloading.

In combination, these features let you set up a single workplace where you can work on/with experimental data to solve your research problems. The next section describes, concretely, how they interplay in an example workflow.

7.5. Walkthrough: Markers to Motion#

TODO rough high-level workflow diagram, even a pen drawing of a flowchart would be fine.

  • TODO direct people to a model’s repository data source so they can follow along.

  • TODO load marker data, verify it looks ok

  • TODO use marker data in IK? Or “here’s one I did earlier?”

  • TODO load IK into the preview experimental data UI and verify that it overlaps well with the marker data etc.

  • TODO load GRFs, verify they look ok

  • TODO write an ExternalLoads that uses the GRFs, show how it can be debugged with help from the preview experimental data UI

7.6. Summary#

In this tutorial, we covered (typical use-cases of) the preview experimental data UI. This is useful when trying to connect experimental data to OpenSim models. We hope to add more functionality to the UI over time.

More generally, this tutorial also outlines a general philosophy for handling experimental data. This is because it’s challenging. The general philosophies we are trying to encourage are:

  • Work Incrementally: handle each data file, or configuration file, one-at-a-time. Handle any errors as you go along. Otherwise, debugging will be much more complicated.

  • Don’t Fly Blind: always aim to have some kind of visual feedback when going through each step. Confirm that the something’s there and that it looks reasonable.

  • Be Deliberate: Don’t just (e.g.) copy and paste an ExternalLoads file from the internet, or use a wizard, because it’s required by a solver in the OpenSim GUI. Figure out why it’s necessary and what it’s doing. Read through the file - they don’t bite, much 🧛‍♀️.

If you follow those steps, we believe you’ll find it easier to integrate experimental data with OpenSim models.

7.7. (Optional) Extra Exercises#

  • Play with previous models that have experimental data. The OpenSim Models Repository contains a collection of OpenSim models and examples of how those models were used with experimental data (in Pipelines/). It’s an excellent source for seeing how previous researchers have combined OpenSim with experimental data to do something useful. One of the pipelines from that repository Gait10dof18musc was used to write the walkthrough section of this tutorial. SimTK.org is also a good source for published OpenSim models.